More about :Yamaha FZR 750R
Engine and transmission :
Engine type: 1 cylinders, 2-stroke, Single
Displacement: 125 cc (7.64 cubic inches)
Bore × stroke: 56 mm × 50 mm (oversquare - shortstroke)
Power: 11.56 HP (8.5 kW) @ 8500 rpm
Throttle: Cable operated
Fuel and ignition
Sparks per cylinder: 1
Fuel supply system: Carburetor
Ignition type: Digital CDI
Engine mounting: Transverse
Gear box: Manual 6-speed
Clutch: Wet, cable operated
Final drive: Chain
Spark plug pipe type: NGK, BR8ES
Starter: Electric
Dimensions :
Seat height: 820 mm
Dry weight: 122 kg
Chassis and suspension :
Frame type: steel, twin spar
Suspension: Cartridge
Brake: Single Disk
Tire: 100 / 90 R18 P
Tire pressure: 1 bar, with pillion: 1 bar withpilion
Suspension: mono shock, Swingarm
Brake: Disk
Tire: 130 / 80 R17 P
Tire pressure: 2 bar, with pillion: 2 bar withpilion
Engine type: 1 cylinders, 2-stroke, Single
Displacement: 125 cc (7.64 cubic inches)
Bore × stroke: 56 mm × 50 mm (oversquare - shortstroke)
Power: 11.56 HP (8.5 kW) @ 8500 rpm
Throttle: Cable operated
Fuel and ignition
Sparks per cylinder: 1
Fuel supply system: Carburetor
Ignition type: Digital CDI
Engine mounting: Transverse
Gear box: Manual 6-speed
Clutch: Wet, cable operated
Final drive: Chain
Spark plug pipe type: NGK, BR8ES
Starter: Electric
Dimensions :
Seat height: 820 mm
Dry weight: 122 kg
Chassis and suspension :
Frame type: steel, twin spar
Suspension: Cartridge
Brake: Single Disk
Tire: 100 / 90 R18 P
Tire pressure: 1 bar, with pillion: 1 bar withpilion
Suspension: mono shock, Swingarm
Brake: Disk
Tire: 130 / 80 R17 P
Tire pressure: 2 bar, with pillion: 2 bar withpilion